
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Yuma VROC Rough riders (a splinter group)

Asking the local law about a place to buy an SD card in Wellton.  I interupted the donut time.  They told me there was not place here to buy one.  I was without a camera, the card was in the laptop at home.  Wrongturn found one in a Family Dollar store, so I was saved.

Half-way through the ride we're at the Army Proving Grounds.  Big gun.

$8 for a 2 gig SD card.  I'd have paid more :-)  The first few pictures from the day are at the end of this post, they were in the camera's memory.  Tried to move them to the top, but the new blogger software won't seem to let me.

Our destination was Baker Tanks.  We got this far and came across this sign.  Called the phone number, and found it was a Federal Offence to go any farther without a permit.  So, after discussing our options, we headed for the Mountains behind the old Butterfield Stage road, and traveled it for a while through the farm lands.

We thought about going on and taking the risk, but in the end, we didn't go farther.

The sand was soft and pretty deep in this wash, not good riding anyway

Lanny has a Rick Mayer seat on this T-Dub.  VERY nice!

The Gila River bed.  Jim (Wrongturn) is praticing his breast stroke in the water.

Stopping to group up.  Nice road!

Some sand, but mostly small gravel, good riding.

Nice Saguaro.  Had to ride a little in the desert to get this picture.

We've gone through a lot of lettuce fields, and other crops, between open desert.

We walked out and look, sniffed, and picked a little of this green stuff.  None of us could figure out what it is.  Some kind of leafy vegetable.

Jim is fighting off killer bees!  They move these hives around to get the fields pollinated.  Lanny and I both saw a couple of wild animals that disappeared into the brush along the road.  I thought they were Coyotes, but Lanny thought they were something else.  We'll never know. :-) 

Redd  and Red lettuce..and green lettuce, and some other growing stuff.

Lanny thought this would make a good Viagra advertisement.

This house is empty, out int he desert.  Nice place.  But, it's too far from a Walmart!

Didn't see any...

Irrigation canal.  Water from the Gila River.

We started some serious dirt riding when we came to low mountains hills.

Lanny was looking for rattlesnakes.

Mitry Lake.  Several campgrounds along the banks, and lots of fishing.

If you click, or double click or something, the picture will get larger.  The blob in the middle is Redd.  He ran off the road on the way up and crashed.  Lanny and I had been at the top for awhile, it was too far to see who it was that went down.  This was at maximum zoom.  Bike was OK, but Redd hurt ribs, hip, ankle, and wrist.  He was able to ride home, but is pretty sore.

We're on the way down.  That is Jim, he just helped Red get his bike up.   

We're the Kings of the Hill!  Beautiful view from up here.

TW and XT.  Both good bikes.  Of the 4 bikes that made the trip today, I've owned 3 of them :-)  That's one way to get riding partners :-)

Lower part of Mitry Lake

This is on top of the highest peak you can ride to the top of.   It used to be a billboard advertising Betty's Kitchen (not)

RV's parked along a reservoir down below us.

Biglefti is not only a road rider of much skill, he's a wildman in the dirt!

OK, enough pictures of the mighty dual sport.

I was the first one off the hill.  This is the last little streatch of hill. We had gone about another mile with steep elevation jumps from here.

A sore Redd is followed by Lanny

Lanny followed Redd to make sure he got down all right.   Redd did fine, considering he's just taken a hard fall.
Here comes Wrongturn.  He only make a couple of them today :-)

Pat is preparing food while Lanny is showing his pictures of the day.

Full tummy's.  Pat made an excellent supper, slow cooked roast was the main dish.

This was the first picture of the day.  We're getting ready to pull out and pick up Redd.

We're all 4 ready to roll!

A good place to take our first break of the ride.

Green fields of Dome Valley.  It was a VERY good day!  Sorry about Redd's fall, but he'll mend.  We'll be doing this again tomorrow after a Mexican breakfast!  Stay tuned.
Pat took this of us leaving the park at the crack of dawn.  Feb 1, 2012

After dinner, Pat is rationing out her natural raspberry Chambord liqueur  

Lanny likes it!

1 comment:

Cranky VROC 16804 said...

Out standing!!! Sorry for Redd, and I would expect Lanny to be crazy on a dirt bike, like normal!! Thanks!!!