
Sunday, January 31, 2016

Ride to Mexico for Shrimp Coctails

Parked in the alley by the Club Monaco.  I think it's a Bed and Breakfast...or something like that. ALL the pictures in this blog post are taken with Susan's phone.  I forgot my phone and camera, so Susan gets all the credit for today's pictures.

Through these Portals, pass................Jim and Katie.

Happy in the Sunshine!

There are many places that serve shrimp coctails in Algodones. We're working out way through them to find the best.

Today the Peso is 18.11 to a US Dollar.  Spent 220 Peso's plus a buck to pay for a diet Pepsi and this alcohol free cocktail.

The Margarita Connoisseurs are giving the edge to this place, but the shrimp cocktails weren't  number one.

The food and drinks could be the best or the worst, but the company can't be beat, in any case.

The Giraffe leaning against the tree had a few too many Margaritas! 

Zmean1 is braver than I.  No pictures are allowed within a few hundred feet of any Border crossing.  I almost lost my camera a few years ago. But, Susan just had to gamble :-)

The big smiles are because the Mexican Federal officers wave motorcycles to the head of the car line.  The car drivers get a little upset, but, whose to not obey the guys that are carrying the big automatic weapons waving you ahead!  It's a good thing!
While we were down there enjoying 80 degree weather, the wind came up in California.  That is blowing dust, not clouds.  This is the road leaving Mexico at the Port of Andrade.  A blustery ride back to Yuma.   

Saturday, January 30, 2016

29 Jan Loop Ride 2016

On a bridge over I-8 in South Eastern California.  All rider from Rolle's Lynda Vista RV Park.
We have 13 bikes in the park, 9 bikes, 11 riders made this trip.  I've noticed that the pictures sometimes are blurred unless you click on them.  At least on my phone:-)

Jim and Katie dancing in a parking lot in Calexico.  We followed the Mexican Border for about 30 miles.

Good Group! Harleys, Hondas, and Kawasakis, even a Yamaha.

From Calixico, up to El Centro, then a short ride East to Holtville and Hotrods and Beer for lunch.

We discovered this place a couple weeks ago.  Good food, fun place to eat.

They were accommodating, without reservations, they set up tables and took care of us very good.

Badger and Zmean1 having a little dance.

Our waitress, bar tender, cashier, table busser,  and maybe even helped cook!

This picture is for NiteLite.

First rest stop

Gas and visiting

Don brought his sister Nancy.  Nice having her along on the ride.

A rail behind the bar.

Tool box for the music mixer

The gang of the day

This lady worked very hard to keep us happy with the food and service

Imperial Dunes Overoook

A large sandbox full of toys

Miles and miles of sand.  Dune vehicles of all sized and shapes play out here.

This is the Glamis area.  People come from miles around to ride out here

Mountains along the Colorado River, in California's Picacho State Recreation Area.

Tim with his nice new Yamaha

Some of the more powerful machines we saw today. Big Block Chevies.  You could smell the racing fuel they use.

Susan leading the group back to Highway 78.

It's steeper than it looks!


I'm at the top using full zoom.  Hope she lets me catch up.  We already lost Jim and Katie, they decided to go up to the Salton Sea and check out the Sonny Bono Rec area, since it was relatively close.

Home safe.

Thanks for stopping to say goodbye!
George greeted Don and Nancy and got a ride home.  He's a very good dog:-)
The End.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Jan 18 Ride

Fisher's Landing, at Martinez Lake

Lunch Destination

This is where to goodies come out of the wall.

Susan, Joe, Sharon, Tim, Katie, Jim, Don, and Jenna

Burger with cheese, Green Chili, Bacon, All the veggies and special sauce.  Was really good,

Lots of signs

We all liked our food.  It was a fun lunch

It IS!

Instead of Date Shakes and candy, I ground some fresh peanut butter and bought another cup.

One of our stops on the way home.  We're in Bard, California now.  

Hanging out visiting

This is the first shot of the morning, when we are getting ready to pull out.  Jenna, Jerry and Marlene's Granddaughter, rode behind Don on his Harley Trike. We enjoyed her company!

I think we managed to get out in time.  Or close :-)

The line up

Was like herding cats to get everyone to pose for a leaving shot, but they finally came around :-)

About 40 or so miles from the Park, we pull into the Hog Pen here at Fisher's Landing. Our route was North on Hwy 95.

After lunch, we rode back down to the entry by the Big Guns, and traveled across a road that goes through the US Army Proving Grounds.  This is a stop at Laguna Dam. Where we're parked used to be a very active RV Park.  Managed by the Tribe, since it's on a Reservation.  Not sure why it closed a couple years ago.

Tony D. told us the bumps in the water are called Dragon Teeth.  They churn the water and the currents below the Dam don't pool up like they would without them.  This dam was the last one built on the Colorado River, it's main purpose is flood control.

Leg stretching and visiting

There used to be some HUGE Saguaro Cactus here. They are gone, don't know what happened to them.  Across the River is an area know as Betty's Kitchen.  Years ago, it was a real party place and nice place to dry camp.  The Kitchen burned down, and most of the building were lost in a flood.  So, even though it's still called Betty's Kitchen, there isn't much there.

Next stop was at the Imperial Date Gardens, in Bard, California

Visited the interesting gift shop, and the specialty is Date Shakes.  We were all too full to have a Date Shake, or other goodie, but did pick up some items in the gift shop.

Jim and Jenna.  This was another excellent ride.  The temperatures are getting better every day, so there will be many more in the near future!