
Sunday, February 7, 2016

4E Ride! Feb. 8

After gassing up in Yuma, we headed out across the Coast to Coast bridge over the Colorado River into California.  Up through the Bard area, and a stop at the Imperial Date Farm.

2 Girls bikes :-)   and 5 nice people

That's my tank!

Zmean1 says, "Well, Tank.  You don't look so tough to me!"

Unusual!!! A VROC ride, and ALL the bikes are Vulcans!

Fisher's Landing.  We enjoyed the music of Caut Cheetin'.  They were very good! And, the food was good too....

After Martinez Lake, we rode out through Dome Valley, to old Hwy 80, and on East to an I-8 entrance near Roll, AZ.

Jack took this with my camera.  We jumped off the freeway in the Foothills, and went on to stop here at Martha's Gardens.

The Dry Heat here in Yuma got to this horse.  Not much left.  Good job of hiding, Barb!

Probably the best Date Shakes in the Valley.

There's always one that parks wrong.

These next 8 pictures were taken by Susan.  Similar, but better than mine.  Here we are waiting for food.

Jack and Barb are long time VROC members, and long time riders.  And Very Nice Folks!

Eastern part of California's Imperial Valley

Laguna Dam.  I usually stop there with ride groups.  Lots of history around here, involving the River, the Dams, the Reservation, the Proving Ground, and Betty's Kitchen on Mitrey Lake.

5 pretty bikes. And tanks

Two Shermans here. The one in the red and black jacket is 4 years older than the green one that is a Veteran of WW2. It's pock marked with bullets fired by German weapons.  It's been sitting here since the end of the war.

Back at Martha's Gardens.  Loving the Date Shakes

Jack painted his and Barbara's bikes.  They are both beautiful.  It was another terrific day, and got up into the 80's in temperature by late afternoon.  Now home to watch some football game.

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