
Monday, December 30, 2013

Martinez Lake ride

December 30, 2013.  Ride to Martinez Lake with Dave and Romy

Good sandwiches and salads in the little Bar and Grill

Boat Harbor at Fisher's Landing

Good place to visit. 

Beggers looking for a snack

Probably a rental boat.  He just cleared the Sea Bouy


We couldn't park under the shade cover....not riding HOGS. :-)

Busy Wall

North entrance of the US Army Proving Ground.

First blooming Ocotillo blossoms of the season

White Lightning

Couple of Canadian Motorcycles. :-)  Good lookin' bikes

Run little birdie, that Coyote is closing in!

Gift shop


Not sure why I took this...other than I liked the little glasses

Across from the Parking lot at Imperial Gardens

Was having trouble with my phone camera.  But had to post this anyway.  An Orchard Nymph

In all her "Biker Chic" Glory!

Prickly pear, ready to harvest for some jelly

Cholla. They'll jump out and get cha'.  Nickname "Teddy Bear"

Romy messaging some cactus.  We had a good ride.  As usual....good food.  Only a couple more days and these good friends will be heading back into the snow and ice to make money so they can return in February :-)

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Dec 29th

Inside the cafe in Gila Bend.  Two states from Roswell, but the Space Ship made it over here to investigate hamburgers.

A destination for a lot of years

We went with DD and Pebbles to spend some time at the Mexican Marketplace in Yuma today

Dave is having a fine time

Only 70 decrees today, everyone is bundled up.  There are over a hundred booths here

Fruits and vegetables

We're not on a quest for food

There is a food court with many choices of Mexican, American and Asian offerings.

Ready for the grilled onions and peppers, a jalapeno, and extra sauce

Couple more days and the diet will resume with a new Year.

Ribbon potatos, chili, cheese then loaded with peppers.  Low fat, low carb snack. We next had some ice cream specialties for dessert.

We got back to the park in time to disconnect all the shore ties, pull in the slides and move the huge 5th wheel trailer to a better spot.  Romy is under the trailer securing the wheel covers with bungie cords.  She was giggling because the grass was tickling her. :-)

The End

Friday, December 27, 2013

December 27. Mexico

Early morning "cut in the sun"  Jim is getting Shorn in the Desert.

Smells Heavenly!  On the street in Algodones, Mexico.  We all rode the bikes across the border today for a little food and frolic.

Favorite place to eat

The food is always good.  If you still hungry, you can have more.  if you say you don't like it, you don't have to pay.  I've never 'not' liked it.

We parked on the street a block away.  I put some thinks in my tail pack and locked Pat's rather expensive helmet to the bike.  Leaving mine loose.  After a couple of hours, or a little more, I got to thinking about my bike key.  Hmmm, not on my person.  Went back to the bike and found it in the helmet lock.  Since Algodones depends totally on tourist trade, it's patrolled heavily, and there is next to know theft in the down town area.  But, maybe next time I'll put the key in my pocket.

My favorite pedicure lady. There are a lot of shops that do it, and for a variety of prices.  I like this shop the best.  She spends almost an hour with messages from the knees down, and a wonderful hot oil treatment near the end.  Well worth the $13 plus a generous tip.

Men usually get black socks with the wax treatment, but she was teasing me today.  If you've never had a hot wax treatment, it's hard to explain how good it feels!

Our ladies patiently waiting while we enjoy ourselves in the beauty shop

David couldn't stand it, so he went in and got a hair cut.

I think the "Snowbird" lady in there was kept entertained listening to Jim and I.  At least we were entertaining ourselves :-)  It was a fun afternoon. 

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Boxing Day 2013

Turkey dinner with all the trimmings.  Prepared in their little 5th wheel trailer.

Jim and Katie. Good to the last drop

A beautiful tablecloth.  I really tried had not to spill anything.  Think it made it through.

Our host, DD.  I think it's about time he got a new nic :-)

South African Heavenly Apple Pie, soaking in heavy cream..I can't even begin to describe how delicious this is....maybe Heavenly.....

The King and Queen of the trailer park.  Give Katie the choice of fine wine or Mikes hard cider...and you see what she chooses :-)  We love our neighbors!

Romy (vroc Pebbles) has cooked, cleaned and decorated all day.  And a FINE meal she served.

Dave and Jim went out to "check the air in the tires".  Yeah, right. :-)

Romy sets a nice table.  We just learned about "Crackers" this year.  A Christmas tradition in Canada and other parts of the world

Tasty "Whore's dee overs"  Just too much to eat!

Nice kitchen in their cute "little" trailer

David, our gracious host

Romy has made their little travel trailer seem like home. 

Comfortable seating for about 8 people to visit in the one room.

A cozy fire for a cool Yuma night.  They had to turn on the A/C to get it cool enough so the fireplace would feel good (true story)

Romy had folded the napkins to look like crowns.  Katie thought it was too cute to use to wipe her hands on.

Having the most education of any of us here, Jim puts his knowledge to good use and figures out what a napkin is for.

These "crackers" are opened by two people.  inside is a gift and a riddle or some kind of trivia. Lots of fun!

I've been calling this a small travel trailer....but....this baby is 43.5 feet long with 3 slide outs.  We're dining in the 12 foot garage where they stow the motorcycles while traveling.

Pat was really getting into it,  She almost fell off the bench when it finally cracked open :-)

Everyone got some cool little prize

Jim is reading his bit of trivia.  We had a terrific time.  Thanks a whole bunch to Dave and Romy for all the work they did to make this happen.  And to hold it off a day while I healed up enough to join you.  By February, there will be 8 vroc'ers here in the park.  We'll have enough for our own chapter!  We might include Lanny too.  And our most honorary members will be Jack and Barb :-)  Happy Boxing Day to all!