
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Ayers on the road

July 11th,  Jim and Katie are working on picture, their last night with Air Conditioning for awhile!
The trailer and every square inch of the bike is full of "traveling necessities"
Wednesday night,  We spent a couple of hours straightening out Jim's trailer wiring.  Found a broken wire inside the harness.  Among other things.  It's ALL working now!

The "Highway Hotel"  This Kwik Kamp gets a LOT of use.

We went up to Hualipai Mountain Lodge for breakfast, then came back so they could pack up. The Lodge is at 6800 feet, it was in the mid-70's and just beautiful on the outside porch where we ate.  I forgot the camera.

By the time they get to Needles, Jim will be putting on long pants to protect from the heat

They're off!  Starting out on the second half on their long Journey criss-crossing America

The "Coyote" JMCB-2003 unit mounted and working on the Harley.  Thanks, John!

Cute little antenna.  I'll be "Switching Back" this aftenoon, Bags, Backrest and Luggage rack will be on.  Time to pack for Solvang.

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